Creative Career Exploration Workshop

Creative Career Exploration Workshop

The first Creative Career Exploration Workshop is starting soon!

Who is it for?

Women who are looking to make a change in their job or career. Maybe you seem to have stumbled into a job that you find tedious and unfulfilling. Or you feel stuck and have no idea what career you’d like to pursue. Every time you look at job postings you wonder if there’s anything out there that will help you build the life you’ve envisioned. So many other people in your life seem to have figured this out. You’re wondering why it’s so hard for you to do the same.

What is it?

I help women understand themselves better so that they can identify career options that will allow them to design the life they have envisioned. In this virtual workshop, you’ll create a mind map by answering a variety of questions about your life experiences. You’ll then find the themes and connections that can be applied to your career exploration while also identifying skills you enjoy using. We’ll wrap up with the opportunity to connect with other women who are experiencing similar struggles in finding a career they love.

When and where is it happening?

Thursday, February 9, 2023 | 7:00-8:00 pm MST
It will take place over zoom. Click the button below to register. The workshop is limited to 20 participants.

Supplies needed:

  • Large piece of paper (11” x 14” recommended)

  • Pen or pencil

  • Colored pencils or markers (Optional)

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