Spring Thunderstorms

Spring Thunderstorms

I woke up early this morning to the sound of booming thunder and pouring rain. It sounded spectacular, although I may have wished it was taking place later in the day so I could truly enjoy and experience it.

From the comfort of my bed I listened to the house-shaking noise of a spring thunderstorm. There's something so awe-inspiring and mysterious about a powerful storm.

And then, just as quickly, it was gone and all was quiet again in the early morning hours.

When I got up a little while later, I peeked out through the curtains and saw that there was still hail on the ground. No wonder it was such a loud storm!

I love the feeling of renewal and a fresh start that comes following a rainstorm. I think it's time to head outside and enjoy the scent of a freshly-washed spring day.

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